Friday, May 22, 2015

Review: BIG GAME

Indian Censors, kusipää!
should have been 2 stars...

Mini review:

Had the Indian Censors understood how the Finnish director had used the curse: 'Motherfucker!' made iconic by Samuel L Jackson and treated everything else in the movie with a great sense of humor, they would not have bleeped it out, and let the movie be the fun movie it could have been...

Main Review:

In every movie since Pulp Fiction, audiences have clapped to Samuel L Jackson's use of the word, 'Motherfucker!' until the moronic Indian Censors chose to bleep it out because of some moral code. Not that we did not watch him mouth the word when it was silenced, but it's as if you went to the Africa to watch the Big Five in the flesh, and then someone put headphones over your head and made you hear nursery rhymes! I am sure the Finnish director does not know how asinine the Indian Censors are.

So it's a coming of age movie for a 13 year old boy, and I'm sure it was meant to be inspiring and fun and adventurous. I laughed at the idea of Indian mothers taking their kids to the movie and running out with their obese kids and their smartphones fifteen minutes into the movie, worried that the movie where a kid is left alone in the woods all night might affect their kids. One the way back home, they would stuff their kids with cheese parathas and assure them that their mommies would never leave them alone, ever.

Other Indian moms would use this film as a warning to their naughty kids: See what happens when you leave mommy's hand and go wandering about alone in a mall? See what happens when you go to play without mommy or the maid? See those scratches on the young boy's face? He will be scarred for life! No pretty girl will marry you...

It is an amusing film which breaks stereotypes of all American President movies you have seen, but it is a bit of a stretch. The action is fun enough, but you wish they'd hurry up and finish the damned story...

If you catch the movie with general panic caused by the premise of letting a lad stay overnight in a jungle alone among moms, then you might enjoy it. It was a tedious watch for me.


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